Written by James Johnson

On June 1st, 2019 several Sex Worker Organizations converged on the Democratic Convention in San Francisco providing a platform for Sex Workers to demand Sex Worker Rights. Organizations represented at the Rally included ESLERP, USPROstitutes Collective, DAD (Doms against Donald), SWOP Behind Bars, and SWOP Sacramento. 

It was a day of educating the public on issues surrounding sex work and demonstrations that demanded decriminalization of sex work and labor rights for Sex Workers. We called out Kamala Harris and other supporters of FOSTA/SESTA holding them accountable for the rising body count this legislation has created. 

Senator Quirk spoke on behalf of Sex Workers voicing his support for decriminalization. We were able to thank Captain Joe McFadden of the San Francisco Police Department for advocating and obtaining a  letter of support from the San Francisco Police Department. His role in starting the discussion of San Francisco’s own city police which acted as a template for for SB233. (SB233 has since been signed into law)

There is much more to be done, but we came away from the Democratic Convention feeling a sense of accomplishment, pride, and hope. Celebrate and cherish the small wins, they will pave the way to great victories.