Please forward to anyone you feel might be interested!

SWOP Sacramento is hosting our first in a series of twitter parties. Our first party will coincide with the the 2015 San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Arts Fest. The event will begin May 20, 2015 at 7pm PST (10pm EST) til 10pm PST (1am EST) with a tweet issued by The Sex Worker Outreach Project (SWOP) – Sacramento @SwopSacramento to announce the beginning of the nights festivities. We will be blogging about the films and panel live so that you can hear first hand the discussion we have and join in. Films such as: Doin’ It for Themselves: The Hunt Sisters will be the topic of discussion, as will how the current anti-trafficking laws that we believe harm society.

This party is open to the general public as we’d love to have you  join us. Please let us know your there. Find out from sex workers and sex worker advocates what our views are on both Sex Work and Trafficking.

The Party Itself

SWOP Sacramento believes that twitter parties can be both fun and informative. Having a party during an event allows the participant to find out what is going on at the event as it happens and be a part of that event_=. Party participants can all be at different locations, and yet, we can have fun and learn at the same time. To join our party, simply come to the following hashtags on Twitter and you will find us there:


Please add both of those hashtags in each tweet. Our goal is to enjoy ourselves, tweet at our hashtag #SexWork2015 and educate those who go to the #HumanTrafficking. If we are effective they will only see our tweets for three hours. This is your chance to have fun and be heard!

You can find us at @SwopSacramento.

Please use BOTH hashtags in every tweet for maximum exposure.

Although there is no need to RSVP please let us know if you are attending so we can retweet your tweets. Be sure to include your twitter ID!