Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP)/Safer Alternatives through Networking (SANE)

Street Safety for those in the Sex Trade and a Meal

Street Workers are targets for those who know you have little safety. Learn how to stay sane and safe while working in the sex trade. Know what resources there are out there for Sex workers, while learning to spot predators and how to avoid them. This class by sex workers and for sex workers. We will be providing dinner during the class.

We will be conducting interviews again and those who participate will be paid for their time and expertise. There may be an option to re-interview if you have already participated in the study depending on your experience.

Free Survival Bags
Survival bags include a purses, socks, shampoo, soap, brushes, and more. To ensure you get one, please show up early!!!!!

May 14th, 2015
Where: 40th street and 12th Ave (4001 12th Ave)
Time: 6 pm 8pm

This will be for Sex workers only. This is a safe place for you to come and relax…. All
gender identities and expressions are welcome. Supplies and interview funds are limited,
therefore resources will be given out on a first come first serve basis